Monday, November 28, 2016

Marriage is fragile.....

This week in my marriage class we discussed fidelity.  We often think of infidelity as an emotional and physical relationship. Infidelity comes in many forms, including emotional without the physical. This could be relationships with co workers of the opposite sex or even online.
Being faithful to one's spouse includes being a complete level of commitment, respect and trust, not just avoiding physical contact with another.
The Savior in the book of Matthew taught : " That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"(Matthew 5:27-28)
Marriages are fragile relationships that require a great deal of time and work from both participants.
In his talk "In Praise of Those who Save", President Uchtdorf states:
"...strong marriage and family relationships do not happen just because we are members of the Church. They require constant, intentional work. The doctrine of eternal families must inspire us to dedicate our best efforts to saving and enriching our marriages and families. admire and applaud those who have preserved and nourished these critical, eternal relationships."
Continually working on strengthening and nourishing our marriages helps reduce the need to look elsewhere for what we feel our marriage may be missing. 
Some simple steps to start with could be:
  1. Appreciating our spouses by saying “I love you” and giving sincere compliments.
  2. Communicating effectively, including making time to talk and nurture the marriage spiritually and physically.
  3. Contemplate often and chose sacred places like the temple to do this together. -Elder Nelson

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