Sunday, December 4, 2016

Becoming one......

I read a talk by Elder Eyring this week about becoming one. In the talk he was not specific about becoming one in marriage until the end of his talk. However, the general principles of his talk can apply to not only a marriage but also relationships in general. The first is to have the Spirit with us. When my husband and I pray together to have the Spirit guide us in our decisions we find we can be unified in what is best for our family and if there are differences we are able to work through them in a way that is not contentious. Second is putting the Lord first in our lives. As we put the Lord first we are more likely to keep our covenants, serve one another, look past the imperfections, and do those things that help us draw closer together. Third we keep the commandments. I am not perfect in all of these principles. I see faults at times when I shouldn’t or forget to at times that Lord knows best for my spouse and I when things don’t make sense. However, I know can feel the difference when I am on the right track and grateful for the Atonement that allows me to figure it out.
When I think of an example of a unified couple I think of my parents. They are far from perfect but one thing they have always been unified in is their desire to live the gospel and this is what I remember most about my youth. They argued at times, and did not always see eye to eye but they were firm in their faith, and taught the importance of covenants, prayer, scripture study, and the Atonement. For me the unity is shown through their common goal of raising their children to know that they love the gospel and desire t

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