Sunday, December 11, 2016


"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth , give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid ."- So much love and hope given in these few words.
I am so grateful for this scripture. It is one of my favorites. Who in this world is not seeking or wanting peace in thier lives? The world is not quick or often able to offer it. True peace comes from the Spirit and when we listen and rely on it we can find peace admist the difficulities and  heartache that is part of our journey. This week has not been an easy one and I was so grateful when someone posted a photo of this scripture on Instagram reminding me that there is peace to be found and I have  the Gift of the Holy Ghost  and the atonement of my Savior to bless me with it. 
There have been many times I have sought out this promised peace. Sometimes it's for me personally, others times for my marriage when things are not going as smoothly as I would want and lately in regards to my children as they seek more independence. I have yet to be denied the peace I seek when I ask in faith and am grateful for that blessing. 

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