Saturday, November 12, 2016


How often have we lost our tempers? I could probably say too many times to count right? Anger and it’s avoidance must be something I need to work on as not only did we have the article this week but in my New Testament class I read in Matt 5:22 how we are not to be angry with our brother and had a great quote in my scriptures next to the verse from President Monson. The quote talked about how important it was that we control our anger and it is our decision to do so.
Though difficult at times, it really is our decision whether or not we lose our temper. My husband often tells our kids that we don’t have control of others actions but we do have control over how we respond to them.
However, it does seem easier to respond in anger to those we love, like our spouses, than to others that do not hold a significant part in our lives. But, like Elder Robbins teaches in his talk, this ability to choose whom we become angry at proves we can control our anger. “No one makes us mad. Others don’t make us angry. There is no force involved. Becoming angry is a conscious choice, a decision; therefore, we can make the choice not to become angry. We choose!” (Robbins, 2007)
And when we choose anger, we lose the Spirit, self-control and often emotionally hurt the ones we love most. I wish it was easier to keep a temper in check but the scriptures have taught us that we can as we lead our families by persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, kindness and meekness and by love unfeigned. (D&C 121:42-42) As we focus on using these attributes in our family relationships we are less likely to let anger become one of our choices.

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