-Obergefell vs. Hodges
In 2004 the famous case of Obergefell v Hodges was presented to the Supreme Court, passing the law that same sex marriage was no longer a decision of State and the right to be married was to be granted throughout the country. Marriage as a historical foundation to our society was redefined. The thought that follows for many Christians is what this means in their defense of marriage and family between man and woman as it has been ordained of God.
Many of us have friends and family that are gay and now married. I have an uncle that I adore who was married to his partner last year. Elder Russel M. Nelson shares these thoughts in his talk, “Disciples of Jesus Christ-Defenders of Marriage” he states,” Brothers and sisters, ungirded by incontrovertible truth, proclaim your love for God! Proclaim your love for all human beings” with malice towards none, with charity for all.” They as children of God are our brothers and sisters. We value their rights and feelings. But we cannot condone efforts to change divine doctrine. It is not for man to change.”
When placed in these situations, I think of the Savior. He loved, healed and served others without judgment. However, he stood firm in His doctrine and what He knew to be true. The world did not cause him to waver and we can learn from His example. We love and serve without judgment but defend what we know to be true. This may be through example, our votes, and in casual conversations. In Romans 1:16 Paul taught, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.”
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