Friday, September 23, 2016

The first of many....

This is the first of many posts I will be making for the marriage course I am taking on my way to a degree in Family Studies. I know the title may sound a bit like a cheesy romance novel but as hard as I tried, I could not come up with one witty or catchy. It has grown on me, and I really do believe that what we do now and the choices we make has an impact on what we want for our forever. Right? Marriage is not excluded from this.
So this week we touched on marriage and divorce. I am not an expert at either. I have been married for twenty years and still don’t have it completely figured out yet and divorce is a sensitive subject. I think we have all had friends or loved ones where we didn’t think they were packing their bags fast enough to get out of a toxic situation and others that we were blindsided and wondered what happened that couldn’t be worked out. I am not here to say how others should live in their shoes but I do know that study after study has shown that if it is something couples can work out it is better for society and children to stay as an intact family.
Though it is constantly being redefined the family dynamic and marriage are important. In an article I read they ask the question, “Why should we care about marriage?”
 Here is the simple response,” Marriage is not merely a private arrangement; it is also a complex social institution. Marriage fosters small cooperative unions-also known as stable families-that enable children to thrive, shore up communities and help family members to succeed during good times and to weather the bad times.” - State if Our Unions 2012;The National Marriage Project

Marriage makes a difference and we need that difference in the challenging world we live in today.

Image result for elder oaks quotes on marriage

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